Sunday, October 26, 2008

No Dates Yet, But.....

I have had some very interesting conversations with some guys from JDate recently...who knows if any of them will pan out into actual dates, but for now, it's all good.

Contestant #1: A dude I've been actually speaking to online for over a year now (possibly almost two...I don't really remember when we started). When we began speaking back in the day (which was a Wednesday, by the way), he was doing an internship/residency/whatever you do when you become a doctor in Atlanta. Nevertheless, we kept chatting. He seemed nice, and seemed to want to chat, so why not keep up conversation. A few weeks ago, he was online again after not being online in a while, and I IMed him. Turns out, he's back in NY finally, for good, so now we (technically) could meet up. Interesting...except for one issue...I don't remember his name! I'm hoping to avoid the awkwardness by giving him my number and asking him to call me, and then missing his call, and have him leave me a message STATING HIS NAME AT THE BEEP!

Also, with this "no-name guy", we have had nothing but proper conversations since we began speaking...until today. Out of nowhere, he got all dirty with me! It was kind of unnerving at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I was intrigued by him and his new found dirtiness.

Contestant #2: A guy who my roommate went out on two dates with, but I had forgotten that when I IMed him...he was the one who reminded me of the connection. We have been IMing since then, and the conversations lately have been getting more and more intense, and I think I may actually have to bring it up to my roommate that I'd like to go out with him. He interests me, but I don't think he'll end up being anyone long-term or anyone serious. He's very much like Drew in his love of being non-kosher, and isn't religious enough for me. But, if he's good in bed...

Contestant #3: An animator for a cartoon that I've seen once, who I spoke to the other day. He asked me out for dinner, but I had work to do for a class that night, so I gave him my number and told him to call me.

Which he has...three times...and hasn't left a message once.

How do I know it's him? SLYDIAL baby! Best...invention...ever!

The not-leaving-a-message thing is kind of annoying...I haven't been near my phone, or able to answer, when he has called, so it's not like I've been screening my calls. I really wish he'd leave me a message so I can call him back!

Contestant #4 (and by far, the cutest): a guy who, without my friend's help, I might not have ever made contact with. I saw him on JDate, and hotlisted him. He saw me, and instead of IMing me since I was online, he emailed me. I can't read any emails because I don't pay for JDate, so I asked my friend who does pay to email him for me. Now, I know this could have totally backfired on me, and he could have seen her and liked her instead. Thankfully, it didn't. He emailed me, and we have emailed back and forth a bit. He dared me to call him in his last email, and I did...just with slydial's help (I'm a wuss, I know). So, now I'm waiting for him to call me back.

Not-Really-Sure-If-He's-Even-A-Contestant #1: The reason why I'm not sure if he's a contestant is because it's a weird situation he and I are in. Here are the facts:
  • He and I met at a party that he and his (then) girlfriend came to.
  • He is in the same field of work that I am in, and we share similar interests regarding that field.
  • He and I became fast Facebook friends, and then moved our chats to IM.
  • He had been IMing me quite a bit recently and when I brought up his girlfriend, he told me they broke up (what???).
  • Ever since that conversation, he has still been IMing me, and has been venting his frustrations about the break up with me.
  • We have tentative plans to get food and drinks on Tuesday.
I'm a little concerned about Tuesday. I don't know what his intentions are...maybe he just wants to talk...maybe he wants to do something else. My gut is telling me the latter, but my brain (for some reason) wants it to be the first. He's not a Heeb, so there's no relationship that will stem from this. If he wants a fuck buddy, that's fine...he's hot, and I need to get laid. I guess I'll know the deal on Tuesday (especially if other people join us). I need to look hot :)

So, those are the candidates...let's see if any of them make future posts!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Non-Date Between Former Friends With Benefits

So, I know this is not a post about a date, or someone that I am dating (or used to date for that matter), but I need to write about it, so here we go:

I used to be "friends" with Ilan years ago. We were introduced through friends, had crazy sexual tension for years, and finally got together about 3 years ago. I told him going into it that I wasn't interested in dating him. He's not Jewish, and I wasn't interested in dating anyone who wasn't a Heeb. I was still dating other people while he and I were "coloring", but I didn't sleep with them while I was sleeping with him.

All was fine until I met this guy who I was actually interested in. I told Ilan about him, and told him that we were done sleeping together.

He flipped out.

He cut me out completely. He apparently was getting more attached than I was, so it was hard for him when I told him that we had to stop.

We didn't talk while I was dating the other guy, but when they guy and I broke it off, Ilan and I met up again for drinks at the bar we usually hung out at.

Alcohol + Us = Sex

So, we were back on...sleeping together, but not being in a relationship. We decided not to tell our friends. They would kill us if they knew we were doing this again after how badly things ended the first time.

Fast forward to the night of the fight to end all fights. I had gone out with a guy (who I ended up dating for 4 months), and I decided that I didn't want to sleep with Ilan anymore. But, I also decided to not tell him about the date until after I was sure I wanted to date this other guy (since the last time I ended things early I ended up in a fight with him AND I ended up only dating the other guy for a few weeks). He, on the other hand, had let our friends know we were back to sleeping together. I found out about this hours before our friend's party. Needless to say, I was pissed, so I kind of ignored him during the party. We ended up getting into a fight in the cab ride home, and I told him about the other guy, and things got nasty.

We didn't speak for almost 5 months.

We kind of made up over the summer, and it was a completely platonic relationship. We hung out over the summer a lot and everything was fine.

And then he met his girlfriend.

I never saw him after they started going out (with the exception of our friend's wedding) until last night.

It was so odd seeing him again. Here are the highlights:
1) He looks great.....grrrrrr....
2) His girlfriend is horrible....I've heard stories from his friends about her, but he was telling me things about her that made me want to punch her in the face.
3) He and I were reminiscing about our past...and I was getting turned on thinking about it.
4) When I told him that our friends were busting my chops about us hanging out again, and I said that I told them that I would never sleep with him while he was dating his girlfriend, I was kind of hoping that he would be annoyed about that and want to sleep with me again.

Either way, it was a fun time. I never realized how much I missed talking to him until last night. I feel so comfortable sometimes around him. I said things to him that I don't think I'd say to anyone. We are very similar in some ways.

It sucks that he has a girlfriend. It sucks that he's not a Jew. It just sucks....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

So, I Have A Wacky Idea

My friend, Neo Steel, has complained that I haven't been posting enough on my blog. I explained that I'm not actively dating, so unless he has someone to set me up with, he can suck it up and deal.

Which gave me an idea...probably not a good one, but we'll see what happens.

I'm throwing myself out there to be set-up by whoever has a guy for me. Now, I do have some criteria (so don't think I'm getting too crazy with this), and if this criteria is not followed to the LAW, I will stop this experiment STAT!

1) The guy must be Jewish. I'm not getting involved with non-Heebs, just to be disappointed in the end.
2) I would like a guy over 5'11". I'm 5'10", and it's annoying trying to date shorter men. I feel like the jolly green giant when I'm around short guys, and I don't think it's something I can get past.
3) I will have to see a picture of the guy, and do a phone interview before I meet them. I won't just meet a guy blindly (especially when it's set up this way...I would never meet a guy off of JDate without screening him over the phone either).
4) If I do meet the guy, it will be in a public place, preferably during the day, where there are LOTS of witnesses. If you are crazy, don't try to stalk me.

If you would like to take up this challenge, please send your friends/relatives/coworker's pics to me (plus their info) at

Happy Hunting!

Am I Invisible?

I ask this, because that's how I felt in the LAME experience that was my set up. I'm pretty sure that I can be seen by normal human beings, but the jury is still out on whether douchebags can see me. I had two invisible-feeling situations last night.

1) The actual set up. I got a text from my roommate saying that the guy was there, but that she thought he's really gay.

HUH? GAY? How could she set me up with a GAY guy?

Okay, maybe he's not gay...maybe she's overreacting.

I never got to find out if he's gay or not, because this was the exchange between us.

Him: Hi
Me: Hi
(we shake hands)
(he turns his back on me and goes back to hanging out with his friends)

I swear I'm not making this crap up...this is my life...

What bothers me most is that I find most of my roommate's camp friends to be kind of dickish towards me. I thought originally that it was because I didn't work with them at camp, and therefore, when they were in their "camp mode", they weren't open to meeting new people. But, now that camp is over, you'd think this would change.

But it hasn't.

They, like this guy (who I am SO tempted to reveal who he is because of his shitty behavior), completely ignored by presence. I haven't felt that awkward since high school.

2) There was this group of guys that cut the line to get into the bar (#1 reason why they are douchebags). While I was dancing with my friends (after the first incident, I went back to my friends), I saw this guy pull up his shirt to expose his not-so-sexy stomach. I made a face, and one of the guys in the douchebag group saw me, and came over to least, I thought he wanted to talk, but he didn't seem to understand anything that I said to him. It confused me so, and when he finally left, I went up to a complete stranger and asked him if I was speaking English and if he could understand me. This (normal) guy was able to understand me perfectly. Apparently I don't speak douchebag.

So, that's it on the set-up front...not sure when the next one is coming, but I'll take it if it does!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen...

I have a blind date on Saturday...and I'm so not excited.

Here's why:

1) This blind date was scheduled last week when I didn't feel well, but my roommate insisted that I met this guy ASAP, so we decided to meet at a huge festival going on this weekend that we'd both be at. It's much less stressful for the two of us than meeting at some bar.

2) I'm so not in the mood to date...especially starting this weekend. I have not been dating lately, primarily because my track record has not been that spectacular with the last few people I have seriously dated. I wanted to take time for ME. Now, this is not to say that I would refuse a date with someone, but I'm not terribly enthusiastic about a blind date. If I knew what this guy looks like, I would be possibly more enthusiastic. My roommate refuses to show me a picture of him, or tell me anything about him beyond that he's a heeb, tall and a teacher. He better not be fugly...

3) I have a crazy weekend. I have a class that I'm taking Friday-Sunday (all day Saturday and Sunday, and from 6-9 Friday!), and am getting a visit from Aunt Flo on Saturday as well...being tired, bloated and crampy is exactly how I want to feel when I meet a potentially cute guy the first time...awesome.

So, with that said, bring on the blind date! I'll post my response to this whole event on Sunday after I get home from my class...